Speed Optimisation, ALT text & Custom 404 – CML Design Web Services

Speed Optimisation, ALT text & Custom 404

£90.00 / year and a £54.00 sign-up fee


We perform work to improve your site loading time via installing & configuring a plug-in.

Speed improvements include:

  • Image compression & next-gen rendering with lazy load
  • CSS & Javascript delivery optimisation (combine and defer if possible)
  • Cache & preloading optimisation

We may make some other optional recommendations to improve your site load speed with 3rd party costs involved.

In addition, we improve page delivery & site navigation with a custom error (404) page, 301 redirects to fix broken links/duplicate pages and fix missing ALT tags (this is limited to 50 images with more attracting a further fee of 10p per image if required)