Website Promotion – CML Design Web Services

Website Promotion

seo lancashire

Drive more traffic to your site!

If you have an existing website that you’re happy with then perhaps it’s time to start thinking about driving more traffic to the site. This can be achieved in various ways:
  • Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising
  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
  • Social Media Marketing (Facebook, Twitter etc)
  • Link Building
The method you choose depends on your budget and your goals. Are you looking for short term gains (PPC) or long term growth (SEO/SEM)?

Tip: Ask yourself

What is your conversion rate like and can it be improved upon?

What is classed as a website conversion? A conversion could be a direct sale if you run an e-commerce website or an email enquiry if you’re running a static website promoting your service. What is your average visitor value? Calculate your total conversion value divided by your unique visitor number for the same period of time. These figures will be vital in determining the effectiveness of your campaigns. It’s all well and good performing some promotion and seeing the number of visitors to your website DOUBLE. But what if your conversion rate fell? Maybe the “new” visitors aren’t as valuable as you first thought! Keep your eye on the average visitor value when comparing data. Improve your conversion rate as much as possible before entering into any kind of promotion! In order to run a successful SEO or PPC campaign, CML Design will increase the number of visitors to your site while maintaining (or even improving) your conversion ratio – meaning more customers for your business!

SEO Improvement Campaigns

The SEO Dashboard provides monitoring and reporting on some key website performance data which can show you areas your site is performing well and areas with room for improvement. Ideal for DIY SEO campaigns but what if you need someone to make the improvements for you? With our improvement campaigns, we do just that by a thorough analysis of the data we have gathered on your website before implementing a strategy to improve your KPI (key performance indicator) scores over time. Please note: Our improvement campaigns are available for a minimum of 4 months in order to provide measurable and long-lasting results.
SEO Improvement Campaigns Include:
  • Site Fixes
  • Citation Building
  • Backlink Outreach
  • Reputation Management
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Traffic Analysis
  • Keyword Research
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Local SEO Dashboard Access
Get started by contacting us with your requirements.
In order to run a successful SEO or PPC campaign, CML Design will increase the number of visitors to your site while maintaining (or even improving) your conversion ratio – meaning more customers for your business! 

SEO Improvement

If you’re looking to improve your scores please visit the SEO IMPROVEMENT category to view some of the options we have available.

If you’re new to SEO and only have a limited budget have a look at our SEO introduction products.