We will look into 3 competitors for you and compare their statistics with your own.
Traffic & Keyword Chart
First off we plot a chart with historic traffic and keyword estimates for you and your competitors. If this is the only information you require without analysis and keyword research with gap analysis you can purchase the Traffic & Keywords Chart on its own.
Domain Strength Report
- Domain Strength
- Backlink Score
- Search Engine Rankings (Primary Keywords)
Traffic & Keyword Analysis
- Site Traffic Analysis (Summary based on the estimated organic search traffic over the last 12 months vs the same estimate for your own website)
- Keyword Summary (Similarly we revies keywords discovered during the same 12 month period)
Keyword Research (including gap analysis)
Our research provides keyword difficulty and approximate search volume (Google) for each keyword discovered! Although the data is based on USA search statistics the price for PPC advertising are displayed in GBP and we can get global and UK-specific search data by performing individual keyword research for you.
- Ranking Keyword Analysis (all keywords found ranking in the top 100 on Google for each site)
- Primary Keyword Rank Analysis (we will discover where they rank for your main keywords too)
- Common Keywords
- Missing Keywords (Keyword Gap Analysis)
- Content Ideas (to plug the gaps)
Backlink Research
CSV file with a list of discovered backlink + a backlink summary report for you and each of your competitors.
- Backlink list (with link value analysis)
- Backlink intersection (same site linking to 2 or more sites)
- Backlink prospects (sites linking to your competition but not you)
- Backlink summary report (a PDF summary for each of the sites)
Unlike with the charts only, we run this report TWICE for you – once upon placing your order and once in 28 days time to see if any of the statistics have increased/decreased for you or any of your competitors. If you want a more comprehensive analysis please look at our SEO Dashboard as this includes a more detailed competitor analysis and monthly audits for your site.